martes, 24 de julio de 2007

El Salvador Trip!!!!

I cannot remember the last time I had a more enjoyable vacation! Last week we all went to Sunzal El Salvador, a small village near La Libertad. It is really small but has one of the best surfing beaches in the world (top ten… according to the pamphlet they gave us). Anyways we found this sweet hotel for $8.66 a night! It was so nice for eight bucks!! We had a balcony right over a river and about 50 yards or so from the beach. The owner has this monkey who’s always coming around.
Most of my time was spent chilling out in hammocks they had all around the hotel, eating at these amazingly good and cheap restaurants, and lying on the beach! I also rented a surf board and learned how to surf!! Oh man it was so much fun; I got up my first try with out any lessons or anything! I think that I definitely want to go to law school in Southern California now. I could get used to surfing on a regular basis!!
While there we also became very good friends with some Europeans who were at the same hotel. There was Paul from England, Paul from Germany, and Sandro and Sebastian from Switzerland. On multiple occasions during the week we sat around with them at our hotel, at restaurants, and on the beach talking about a great deal of different topics; religion, politics, and life in general. We spent the nights playing English card games, Mafia, a game they thoroughly enjoyed, and jamming out to a cheap little guitar Matt (another student with us) bought! I had some really cool conversations with them, definitely broadened my perspective on a lot of things. I don’t think they had met many Mormons in their life, but I think we left a pretty good impression on them. I really enjoyed how open minded they were about whatever it is we talked about, opened minded but at the same time frank; which is very refreshing.
Also while in El Salvador I shaved… I’ve been growing my beard out for the last two months. Ok Mom, calm down! It was for my personal safety, I mean if you have the choice to rob two people and one of them has a big ol’ beard and the other is abiding by BYU’s grooming standards, who are you going to rob? Exactly! I’m glad to see we see eye to eye on this. I’m putting up pics on facebook so if anyone’s interested in seeing it, just have Rachel or Jessica sign on and show you.

6 comentarios:

Mom and Dad dijo...

I'm glad you had a break from the crueling life you have been living this summer. It does sound like a fun time and interesting people. I'm glad the sharks didn't eat you while you were surfing. And I can't wait to see the pictures of you with a beard. I probably wouldn't know you on the street with a beard. Rachel told me she doesn't like facial hair on guys so I hope you got that out of your system for a little while. Thanks for the update on your happenings. And by the way did you get the packages that I sent and was anything edible when it got to you?

dre dijo...

this is a good summary of a great time. you forgot one detail: water robots. you make me laugh.

Rachel dijo...

that sounds so awesome, i just wish that I could have been there with you! That's funny that they had a little monkey go around...the first thing that came to my mind was the little monkey rummaging through your stuff and taking out little things every now and then. hmm... maybe that's why they charge so little for the hotel!
p.s. thank you for shaving!

The Cranney's dijo...

I am glad you always think of your safety 1st. I am with Rachel I don't like facial hair that is why Ryan insist on growing his out every fall and winter. Your vacation sounds wonderful. It will be good to see you soon. Maybe you and Rachel will have to come spend a weekend with us in Star Valley. You can ride the horse.

Jessica dijo...

so commenting on rachels comment. when you said that i totally thought of yoda going through lukes stuff. "ahh your making a mess!"

Anónimo dijo...

but if you're in law school, you won't have much time to surf. why am i such a negative person? i have no idea. i would like it a lot, though, if you lived in southern california!!!!!!!