viernes, 22 de junio de 2007

Sweet Dance Moves

Sweet New Website
So check is this internet address, it has these sweet dance videos (e.g. terribilini girls)! I’ve been watching a lot lately so that I can… learn the dance moves. Oh and the dancers look pretty good too, don’t you think Pace?

9 comentarios:

JeanT dijo...

When I was in Utah, I noticed after my cell phone would ring its Verizon default ring, I would catch Rachel or Joy still humming it and hour or two later. Very catchy tune - they really should capitalize on that somehow. It got to be pretty hilarious, so they decided to perform a dance to it. They were not expecting Pace to post it to the world, but glad you are enjoying it.

Lindsey dijo...

I was really looking forward to getting to know Rachel a little better but I can't get the link to work. Maybe she can perform it live when we come to Utah in August?

Rachel dijo...

NOOOO!! no no no, no one needs to go that site. there's no need, it's really not that exciting...

Jessica dijo...

oh sure rachel!!! we have to see it. i promise we will be nice and only make fun of you a little bit.!!

Pace dijo...

Yes the correct link is:

Lindsey dijo...

Um, yeah I saw that - and all I can say is that I expect - no, I demand a performance of that in person. Maybe Dorcas and I can perform our Britney Spears routine in exchange for you and your sister performing your routine?

Anónimo dijo...

hahaha! o! this family is too much! ...i mean... these two families are too much!

Jessica dijo...

Lindsey!! watch out what you are agreeing to!...just give me a date and time!

Rachel dijo...

hmmm... okay lindsey, i will agree to that, as long as we can record your guys dance and post it on the internet. maybe on youtube.